Account Deletion Guide for MyMaja Users

At MyMaja, we understand the importance of your right to control your personal data, including the option to delete your account. This guide provides detailed instructions on how to request account deletion and manage your loyalty points in the process.

How to Request Account Deletion

To initiate the deletion of your MyMaja account, please follow these steps:

  • Email Request: Send an email to from the email address associated with your MyMaja account. This ensures we can verify your identity and protect your data from unauthorized deletion requests.
  • Subject Line: Use "Account Deletion Request" as the subject of your email to expedite the processing of your request.
  • Body of Email: In your email, clearly state that you wish to delete your MyMaja account. If you have specific reasons for your decision that you're willing to share, we'd appreciate the feedback to improve our services.

Managing Your Loyalty Points

If you have accumulated loyalty points in your MyMaja account, you have two options to manage them before your account is deleted:

  • Discard: You can choose to discard any remaining loyalty points. If you prefer this option, please mention it in your account deletion request email.
  • Transfer: If you would like to transfer your loyalty points to another MyMaja loyalty card, please provide the email address associated with the account you wish to transfer points to. Ensure that both parties are aware of and agree to this transfer to prevent any disputes.

After Your Request

Upon receiving your account deletion request, we will process it in accordance with our data protection policies and GDPR requirements. Please note:

  • Verification: We may contact you to verify your identity and confirm your account deletion request.
  • Timeframe: The deletion process will be completed as quickly as possible, typically within 30 days of your request confirmation.
  • Finality: Account deletion is irreversible. Once your account is deleted, all associated data, including loyalty points (if not transferred), will be permanently removed from our systems.

Need Assistance?

If you have any questions or need further assistance with the account deletion process or managing your loyalty points, please do not hesitate to contact us at Our support team is here to help ensure your experience with MyMaja is positive, even in farewell.

Thank you for being a part of the MyMaja community.